Update: Folio 3.4.8

Woo! WordPress 4.6 has been released, and wouldn’t you know it we were caught off-guard with Folio. It seems Folio used a non-theme prefixed function that (now) conflicts with a function of the same name in WordPress core – the result is a fatal PHP error / white screen / inaccessible site. In response we’ve updated Folio to v3.4.8 with the following changes:

  • REVISED: Template code refactored, particularly to reduce PHP tags
  • REVISED: Theme.js refactored, hopefully eliminating Isotope / imageLoaded issues on slower connections
  • REVISED: All translateable strings escaped
  • REVISED: Regenerated pot file as some translatable strings had been missed
  • REVISED: Customizer.php formatting re-worked; preview file moved to assets/js/customizer.js
  • REMOVED: Theme Logo option replaced with WordPress core option
  • REMOVED: Theme favicon option replaced with WordPress core option
  • REMOVED: Functions that weren’t being used (custom background, custom header, paged, custom archive title function, wpe_excerpt, and pre_get_posts)
  • REMOVED: HTML5 shiv, respond.min.js. and lazyLoad (in favour of infinite scroll exclusively)

First things first: our non-theme prefixed function is now prefixed, resolving the conflict with WordPress core. Important: We have also transitioned two core theme options for their WordPress core equivalents, and because of this you will need to re-upload your logo image and favicon (if you were using one) under Appearance > Customize > Site Identity. We also noticed that neither Lazy Load nor Infinite Scroll were working as intended, so we’ve removed Lazy Load entirely for Infinite Scroll, which is now working as it should. Other functions that weren’t in use were removed, as were shiv / polyfills that we had used to support older browsers, and template code has been refactored to reduce PHP tag frequency.

As always you can review Folio’s complete changelog here, and if you require support for Folio, have a feature suggestion or have found a bug, then please submit a support request. We can also be reached on Twitter (@Press75), and Facebook (Press75).

Folio v3.4.8 can be downloaded from your account page.

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