=== TV Elements ===

Contributors: Press75
URL: https://press75.com

Requires at least: 3.6
Tested up to: 4.5
Stable tag: 1.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

== Changelog ==

= 4.2.0 =
- WP6.1 and PHP8 compatibility

= Version 4.1.7 =
- FIXED: New Chrome update broke featured video autoplay with sound. Remove sound option to fix issue.

= Version 4.1.6 =
- NEW: Option to toggle visibility of dates for all videos

= Version 4.1.4 =
- FIXED: Dropdown menu icon was not showing after namespace refactoring; now showing

= Version 4.1.4 =
- FIXED: Typo in home.php that resulted in an unclosed div class showing as plain text when using the hosted video option

= Version 4.1.3 =
- REVISED: Primary navigation now hides outside the viewport when hidden. This change was made to help with the navigation showing though on mobile devices, and on the rare occassion that page content was minimal.
- REVISED: Custom media uploader removed as the option is now part-and-parcel of the WordPress customizer API
- REVISED: Theme options panel renamed \'Theme Options\', and all options are now sanitized
- REVISED: Color options now hooked into wp_head()
- REVISED: Template code refactored to reduce PHP usage; conditionals now checked against a value where it makes sense to
- REVISED: icons.png moved to assets/images, and header.php require updated accordingly
- REVISED: All translateable theme strings escaped
- REVISED: General update to functions in functions.php to keep with current standards
- REVISED: Theme SVG\'s now display properly while previewing in the customizer
- REVISED: A few minor, general styling updates. For example, to the position of custom footer text
- REVISED: Header color scheme default setting now set to \'light\'
- REMOVED: HTML5 shiv and respond.js removed
- REMOVED: Old language files removed, and tvelements.pot regenerated
- REMOVED; Removed bundled \'Recent Posts\' widget - it wasn\'t being used
- REMOVED: Meta box to select \'full width\' removed in favour of native widget behavior, which can now be set on a post and page basis

= Version 4.1.2 =
- Added: Dashboard updates!

= Version 4.1.1 =
- REVISED: Some strings had been missed for translation, so added those and regenerated pot file

= Version 4.1.0 =
- FIXED: Removed video.js for native HTML5 video control. Fixes chrome streaming bug.

= Version 26 April 2016 =
- ADDED: New single post option to hide sidebar
- REVISED: Sidebar no longer shows default widgets if no widgets are added

= Version 4.0.9 =
- ADDED: Basic support for Wistia iframe

= Version 4.0.8 =
- REVISED: If no \'Featured Post\' is selected, one won\'t display
- FIXED: WP_Widget method replaced with parent::__construct
- FIXED: Removing the \'Featurd Image Overlay\' will no longer result in a broken image grahpic

= Version 4.0.7 =
- ADDED: Proper Site Description and option

= Version 4.0.6 =
- FIXED: $alt_logo incorrect url

= Version 4.0.5 =
- REVISED: String translations in comment and time functions in the content parts
- ADDED: Max width style on site logo

= Version 4.0.4 =
- ADDED: Footer text copy options in WordPress Customizer

= Version 4.0.3 =
- FIXED: Issue with image uploader not showing in customizer when child theme is active
- REVISED: Text domain in image.php file

= Version 4.0.2 =
- ADDED: \'View All\' link on homepage featured category posts
- REVISED: Mo and PO files for translations

= Version 4.0.1 =
- NEW: Tumblr Social Icon option
- REVISED: Image Uploads in Customizer, allowing media uploader option
- REVISED: Featured video option in Customizer, allowing more supported file types
- FIXED: Social icons stacking in IE
- FIXED: Issue with default featured image not registering
- FIXED: Portfolio page layout not always initializing on time

= Version 4.0 =
- Theme entirely rebuilt
- New Design!
- Fully responsive layout
- Custom text color options
- Custom Header and Background options
- HTML5 and CSS3

== Credits ==

URL: https://github.com/toddmotto/fluidvids
License: MIT
License URI: https://github.com/toddmotto/fluidvids/blob/master/LICENSE

URL: https://github.com/desandro/imagesloaded
License: MIT
License URI: http://desandro.mit-license.org/

URL: http://isotope.metafizzy.co/
License: GPLv3
License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html

Reset CSS (Meyerweb)
URL: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/
License: public domain